Top solutions from the pioneer of coatings for plastics

When it concerns the surface finishing of plastics, Lörken-Lacke has been one of the renowned pioneers for decades.

Thanks to intensive research, uncountable successful test series and much know-how, we can offer you a special programme of plastic coatings, which will also fulfil extraordinary requirement profiles. 



Lörken selective coatings for a better bond between materials in chromed plastic components

If you need to attach electroplated, chromed plastic using hot welding, for example, then these areas need to be free from metal.

Our selective coatings will make neat work of it. They provide optimum coverage to the joint faces. Therefore, you can keep the fastening clips free of chrome when chrome plating, for instance, which makes the connection more durable.

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Further products in the area of plastic coatings

  • Clear coatings with brilliant or matt effects
  • Transparent and top coatings
  • Ripple and textured coatings
  • Coatings with metal effects and soft feeling effects (also water-based)
  • Coatings for high-vacuum metallisation (base coatings and protective coatings)
  • Selective coatings
  • 1 and 2 component water-based coatings